Student Success Stories & Testimonials

Here's just a handful of what students have to say about taking Tenille's coaching programs:

Emilia O'Hara

"Working with Tenille has been life-changing. With her patience, non-judgemental way of working, understanding, knowledge and her biggest gift of being able to hold the space and not try and, "fix me," ...but gently guide me in the right direction. Having accountability is so, so valuable. She really has a gift for this work. I want to continue working with her. I've increased my income each month. It's so valuable. Do yourself a favour and give her a call"

Rowan Grebeck

"I got on a call with Tenille because my goal-setting, planning, strategy, and organization, just weren't quite there. I had the pieces but was not confident in myself or what I was doing really. Tenille looked at what I am doing and encouraged me to proceed. It turns out, I am doing things pretty well (mostly because she taught me how in her masterclass). She let me know the best next steps for me and what metrics I need to focus on to measure success."

Rowan's Dog Training

Morgan Clarke

"Tenille is a unique and caring coach that sees things differently than other coaches I’ve worked with.

She truly understands her clients and works with them where they’re at to get them to where they want to be in a way that feels super simple and really, really great.

Tenille is definitely one of those people you meet and want to be friends with forever and to have that in a coach is so awesome.

If you’re looking for a coach that is going to be all in on your dreams, she is the coach to go for!"

Morgan Clarke Coaching

Sarah Givens

"There is no way that I can ever thank Tenille enough but what I can do is recommend her to anyone and everyone. If you are thinking about employing Tenille DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!! You won’t regret it."

Best Paw Forward

"How do you write a review that genuinely makes people understand just how serious you are? I’ve thought about it, and the answer is.. I’m not sure. And I wish I did. I wish I could jump through your computer screen and talk to you one-on-one, to tell you just how much your business, and your life, will change if you apply what Tenille teaches.

She listens. She cares. She’s been there and done it. She teaches the things you need to know.. To get to where you want to go. And the best part about it? It’s simple. Not easy (top-level results never are), but SIMPLE.

I’ve paid astronomical amounts of money to some of the best-known coaches on the planet, and I can tell you.. The overwhelming majority of them would do well to sign up for one of Tenille’ courses. She could teach them a thing or two. Please don't hesitate to work with Tenille. In fact, I’d urge you to drop whatever you’re doing and get started immediately.. If you have even the smallest desire to have a better life. Good Luck!"

Josh Leigh

Emilia O'Hara

"Working with Tenille has been life-changing. With her patience, non-judgemental way of working, understanding, knowledge and her biggest gift of being able to hold the space and not try and, "fix me," ...but gently guide me in the right direction. Having accountability is so, so valuable. She really has a gift for this work. I want to continue working with her. I've increased my income each month. It's so valuable. Do yourself a favour and give her a call"

Emilia O'Hara

Darran Rowe

"I really wanted to make my passion my full-time job. I’ve done so many courses on trying to get your business running full-time.

Tenille had actually done what I was trying to do. I signed up for her course and I made my money back in two weeks, and it hasn’t stopped from that point onwards.

I just followed everything step by step and it worked."

Darran Rowe

Jools Mobbs

"I love Tenille’s courses – When I saw her doing ‘Your Unstoppable Business,' I knew it was for me because I’d just gone ‘Full-Time’ running my own business, and I knew I needed to change something – but didn’t have a clue where to start!

The course content is full of A-Ha moments – it really gets your brain thinking, and she helps you realise why you feel, or think, the way you do!"

Jools Mobbs

"Celebrate with me! This year was a huge success! When I first joined the Masterclass, I asked where all the wonderful success stories were… And since joining, I had many smaller and bigger success stories myself and I am sharing the big ones with you now: four 5-figure months this business year and in total a 6-figure income! Woohoo!

Thank you to you all and your great support but a special big “Thank you” goes to Tenille for setting up the Masterclass and her private coaching sessions! Thank you for kicking my butt the right direction.

If you are on the fence about one-on-one lessons with Tenille, don't hesitate, it is worth it! I would have never achieved any of this without her, let alone knowing where and how to start my business at all.

Thank you so so much!!"

Judith J.

Lauren Doucher

"I believe that when you express an intention to the universe, the right resources come along to help you. I had an idea for a business and the opportunity to chat with Tenille about it. I have known her for a few years, and Tenille is the real deal. She helped me get some clarity and figure out next steps, and shared what's working for her in the online knowledge business realm. She is knowledgeable and knows how to ask you the right questions to make you think! I really appreciate her and I am excited to start working on my online business! Thank you, Tenille!"

Lauren Doucher Copywriting

Michele Lewis

"Tenille’s ‘Online Course Journey’ is a wonderful balance of knowledge, learning about the mindset of running your dog business and the step by step actions to take to achieve your business goals, and furthermore showing you how to acquire the ability to take these new skills online, resulting in benefits Tenille also touches on. Pleasant to listen to and fun, this is not a course you will be bored tackling. Being about online business, it is easy pause the video, follow along and complete the tasks, then resume the course as often as needed. She also discusses the optimal time to take action on certain steps. Thanks so much Tenille!"

Michele Lewis

Kristy Simpson

"To say Tenille changed my life is a complete understatement. I have always worked for someone else and for a very long time, I have been very unhappy with how that has been going. My dream was to work for myself but my self-doubt was real and it would swallow me up every chance it got. I would change my mind and just stay doing what I was doing because it was easier. My family, friends and life, in general, were suffering due to my unhappiness within myself. Then Tenille came along and well to say she helped me is an understatement, she has worked very closely with me for a long time building my self-belief and self-worth she helped me to believe in myself and know that I AM capable of succeeding in my dreams. Her constant support and knowing that I have her in my corner has been so helpful and now I am about to open my own business. The first week is pretty much booked out and I have secured permanent bookings already. There is no way that I can ever thank Tenille enough, but I can recommend her to anyone and everyone. If you are thinking about employing Tenille DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!! You won’t regret it."

Kristy Simpson

If you want to make more money while spending less time, Tenille Williams is your new business bestie. Let's connect.